Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top10 Signs Your Company Cybersecurity Not Working.

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Many world largest global internationally recognized famous brand name companies had already become the victums of the different scale multiple regular cyber attacks by individual hackers, organized groups of hackers, criminal enterprises, foregn governments.  Many government offices, departments, agencies including intelligence and military are also responding to many cyber attacks. 
The general public got to know from the news and media about only the few disasters in cybersecurity and hackers had stolen the millions passwords to banks' clients online accounts, or millions credit cards numbers or largest amounts of private confidential info, or top commercial secrets, or top secret classified millitary intelligence!   Now the cyber attacks and invasions into the private companies internet networks, backoffices, databases had become the daily routine for companies of hackers ("hackers' networks").

And large banks, companies, corporations, private businesses are spending the fortune in the many billions dollars to protect themself and reputation from the attacks, stealing intellectual property, commercial secrets, customers' payment info.  The damage to the companies' business and reputation already exceed the trillions of dollars.  The Top Experts on Cybersecurity prepared for you the next list of Top10 Warning Signs Your Cybersecurity does not work after your company wastes billions of dollars on hardware and software!

1.  The hackers had broken into the controls of company' infrastructure and demanded the ransom money while threatened to interrupt, stop the company operations. News and Media starts to broadcast the breaking news about hackers broken into your company servers, databases and stolen thousands-millions of customers' credit card numbers, bank accounts' numbers, other confidential info, millions dollars from company own bank accounts!
You company own managers and many hired PR and Publicity agencies, personnel, publicists have their hands full to provide the extensive reputation, image damage control from the news and media story and the wave of housands many complaints from new and regular visitors that did not receive promissed privacy and security from your company, business.   The lawsuits intiated by clients with stolen by hackers identities and money from banks and credit card accounts.

2. The law inforcement officials started to investigate the complaints from some of your customers, clients, buyers, shoppers about stolen identities and theft of money from bank accounts, fraudulent large purchases without their approval!
Your company got already approached by the investigators from law infocement agencies.  The news and media reporters are starting to call and ask the questions about the investigation.  The breaking news headlines and story has been written and awaits for official confirmation by officials on completed investigation.

3.  Customers, Clients, buyers, shoppers could not find on internet your perfectly working before website, portal, network, ecommerce catalogue.
Thousands of complaints from new and regular visitors that could not even find your company, business online currently. They all got message about server internal error or some other Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Google Chrome messages that search was unable to find, locate the website. This happened when the "cloud" or land based large server had being hacked or is currently under organized cyber attacks by the groups, networks of hackers, foreign governments.

4.  Customers, Clients, buyers, shoppers could not access on internet your perfectly working before website, portal, network, ecommerce catalogue. You have lost sales, profits.
Thousands of complaints from regular visitors that could not access your company, business website online currently. They did not get any messages and seen just one page without access to online shopping, banking, content reading, other basic operations they had done regularly before.  The traffic from thousands of visitors did not deliver any new customer, buyer, registrations as the online forms are not working!

5.  Customers, Clients, buyers, shoppers could not complete ordering-payment process on internet at your perfectly working before website, portal, network, ecommerce catalogue. You have lost sales, profits.
Thousands of complaints from regular visitors that could not order online from your company, business website online currently. The online forms did not work as well as before, shopping carts scripts could not receive orders and online payments as usual.  The social networks are buzzing with complaints from new and regular visitors on your company bad performance.

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