Thursday, April 18, 2013

Top10 Best Information Technology Buying Experts’sTips

Many thousands internet and cybersecurity businesses want everybody inluding US Government, largest corporations, largest banks, large and small businesses, also all individual computer users to spend now the Trillions dollars on the purchase and installation the many tonns of equipment, hardware and software for better internet and cybersecurity protection their IT, intranets, networks against the cyber attacks by other countries and individual hackers.  Would You get the Real protection?  Nobody from the Top Experts guaranteed the 100 percent protection.   Maybe the US Government, largest corporations, largest banks, large and small businesses are going the wrong way in getting the guaranteed internet and cybersecurity protection.   For now you and CEOs of largest companies should pray and hope that those spent trillions dollars would protect the communications, banking, infrastructure from organized military style cyber attacks by whole countries or accidental hacks by individuals.  And nobody is listening to Real Top Experts from the Stream Info Brokers, some other companies and their warnings about done wrong way the internet and cybersecurity.  Currently the "cloud" computing over internet only increases the networks' security troubles.


1. Do not invest too much in firewalls, other hardware and software for internet and cybersecurity!

Do not listen to the advices from the thousands of well known, famous, popular  internet security and cybersecurity experts on buying more latest cutting edge IT security, internet security and cybersecurity hardware and software.  They are working for the companies manufacturers or are selling the security services and are totally interested in selling more, in making more money in sales.  The Best IT security comes with totally different approach with less equipment, hardware and sofware.  Ask the Top Experts from the Stream Information Brokers company now on your most secure internet and cybersecurity setup.  Contact by email now!

2. Do not invest too much in the "cloud" computing via internet.

 It is not safe and secure as advertised. In reality some company owns the large internet server - "cloud".    And in addition to thousands of hackers the company's service personnel also has the much easy access to stored on server your privite, confidential files, other digital info. Earlier with files on your computers hackers would have to spend more time and face more difficulties to access your files than now with many person's data stored in one place.

The all new computers, tablets, phones are manufactured now without any office, gaming , entertainment, creativity software, apps installed.  The software and apps  manufacturers for computers, tablets, phones want you to lease, rent the software products from the "cloud" through the internet in the form of services with the subscription fees.  Where would you take the software to use in case of  electrical grid failure and internet server 'cloud"shutdown?   You would be forced to shutdown the company or close the office untill the end of repairs!

Say "good-buy" your company sales, profits and office reputation!

Ask the Top Experts from the Stream Information Brokers company now on your Best most Simple, Fast, Easy and 10 times Cheaper Alternative to the "cloud" computing! Contact by email now!

3. Do not invest too often into the brand new latest cutting edge IT hardware, software products and services.

The shortest term for the depreciation of the IT equipment should be not less than 7-10 years and the same as for any other type of manyfacturing, industrial equipment.  The IT equipment, hardware, software and apps  manufacturers for computers, tablets, phones want you to replace your computers, software every 3-4 years after they officially stop their support for outdated equipment.  You do not have to follow their demands!  The IT equipment, hardware, software and apps  manufacturers could produce new models each 6months-1year.  They want more sales and profits for themself.  But your current IT equipment would work just fine.  And you should not waste your company profits on more frequent IT equipment changes, upgrades to the new one.

4. Do not invest too much money on the famous brand name highly priced IT equipment, hardware, sofware and apps.

The reputation of the famous brand name highly priced IT equipment, hardware, software and apps  manufacturers could not guarantee you the best quality in parts and labor.  In fact the quality of the famous brand name highly priced products, services could be now at it lowest or the same as generic brands.  It is because most of them  are manufactured "made in China".  You should stop wasting money on famous brand names and seek better the lifetime warranty from the reputable company that would be supporting their guarantees for decades in future!

5. You should invest in the USB drives based Software as the alternative to the famous brand name highly priced "cloud" based software for all needs!

Sometimes you are overpaying for the ownership or for the monthly subscription fees('cloud") while cared away by the reputation of the famous brand name highly software.
The end-user(buyer) agreement and software license limit the number of  computers, users to install, work with 1(one) sold software CD-Rom.  It would require largest amounts of free space on your hard drive for installation. You could not take software with you to another computer, computer network!  The USB based software offered you advantages to take this software to any computer, computer network globally. it has unlimited number of users- unrestricted license. And it does not need installation to your computer as it had based and always worked (run) from USB connected flash or hard drive!  Order now 24-7 online the USB based Plug-Use software by Top Experts from the Stream Information Brokers company now at company website by following this link - .

For complete Top10 Tips, For more details and Top Experts advice order the complete article  send email to with your email address to receive article in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

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Posted by Superexpert
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